Thirty-seven boys have been reintegrated into their families after two years at Kwetu Home of Peace in Nairobi. Kwetu Home of Peace rescues street children, rehabilitates them (offering them an opportunity to develop and heal), and reconnects them with their families. Kweto’s focus is on boys ages 8 to 14 from conditions of extreme social marginalization.
A ceremony was held to honor the boys for completing the two-year rehabilitation program and celebrate their reintegration with family. During the program, the boys undertook formal education in neighboring schools and skills training and talent development programme for additional learning. The boys will continue their education after their return to family.
The ceremony was attended by family members, teachers and staff, and representatives from the Church and government, as well as other supporters and friends. Sister Gladys Nanjala, the coordinator of Ruai Main residential centre, reflected, “As I stand here as Shosho (grandma) to our boys, my heart is full of joy to see how our boys are transformed. I vividly remember the day we came to pick you from different street bases in town,” she said. “You were in different shapes; almost all of you were dirty, unkempt, and under the influence of drugs, but we as Kwetu saw the image of God in you, and that is why we invited you to come and share God’s unconditional love with us.” “Please go, learn, love, value, and embrace your precious culture and have a sense of belonging in your families,” Sister Gladys said. Read the full article and learn more about Kwetu Home of Peace
Catholic Care for Children in Kenya is a project of Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya